Miss Bliss Plant Academy

Course Catalog

2023/24 Course Catalog

All Miss Bliss Plant Academy Courses are held monthly on a Saturday at 9am PST and last for 2 hours. Exact dates are specified in each course below. Courses include a 60 minute live virtual class with Miss Bliss and you can find the complete course syllabi here. They also include access to the 60 minute Q&A immediately following each course. Enrollment in the Miss Bliss Plant Academy is $42/month. Or, you can save nearly 25% (which is $120 savings!) by prepaying your annual tuition of $384. Enroll here. If you miss any of these courses live, you can always buy the recorded course individually or you can access all past courses with your enrollment in Plant School.

January 21, 2023: Cannabis for Mental Health

Everyone can improve something about their mental health, and for many (myself included) simply maintaining their mental health can be tough. Learn how cannabis can compliment and sometimes even replace pharmaceutical medicines used for the major two mental health struggles: depression and anxiety. Plus, learn how you can use cannabis as a mindfulness tool to support your existing mental health protocols. If you like this class, you’ll love the Plant Medicine 101 Lecture Series coming in March, pre-register here.

February 18, 2023: Whole Food Plant Based Eating Mini 101

Look, no matter what you’ve heard, plant based meals can be truly delicious. Learn to create plant based meals where you, or your family, won’t even miss the meat. It’s not about fake meat or replacements, it’s about focusing on the wonderful offerings of the farmers market, garden, produce department, and corner fruit stand. Learn to glorify plants in your cooking. If you can’t wait for this class, then don’t miss the Whole Food Plant Based Eating 101 Lecture Series released in January!

March 11, 2023: Cannabis for Pain Management 

Learn to use cannabis to treat the following types of pain from home: migraines, muscle pain, headaches, back pain, depression, anxiety, arthritis, eczema, menstrual pain, insomnia, joint pain, and more. Learn which methods of consumption are best for each, as well as how to access and create those preparations. This class is a game changer for treating pain. To learn more consider the Plant Medicine 101 or Concentrates 101 Lecture Series launching in spring 2023.

April 15, 2023: Edibles Mini 101  

Join us to learn ALL about edibles! We’ll cover a broad range of topics on edibles: the ancient and modern history of edibles, how to cook with and extract cannabis, my personal flavor theory on how to make edibles that taste as good as they make you feel, and much more. Similar to the 101 courses I’ve taught at Oaksterdam, UniCann, Merritt College, and more. Take the full Edibles 101 Lecture Series here.

May 20, 2023: Plants Before Pills

There are more ways to take control of your health besides just the solutions you find at the pharmacy. And oftentimes, medicating with plants can be a more gentle approach worth trying before turning to pharmaceuticals with unpleasant side effects. Learn how you can use plants as medicine alongside or in place of standard solutions found at the drug store. Learn a more wholistic approach to wellness that starts with plants. This class explores both plant medicine and plant based eating. This course leads well into both the Whole Food Plant Based Eating 101 Lecture Series as well as the Plant Medicine 101 Lecture Series.

June 10, 2023: Plant Medicine Mini 101

Learn all about using plants as medicine. In this mini 101 class we will cover how to use plants as medicine, as well as how to make your own medicine from plants. Learn all about the potent curative effects of cannabis. If you’ve ever had questions about how to actually use cannabis in curative doses, this class is for you. Unlock the truly miraculous healing powers of this plant through the practical and applicable knowledge gained in this class. This course prepares you well for the Plant Medicine 101 Lecture Series available here.

July 15, 2023: Plantiracism

This is a phenomenal and important course. This class will explore what the concept of plantiracism and how all of us engage with it in our plant loving lives. This class will cover the impact of colonization and capitalism on native plants and global ecology. Plus it will explore US History’s most racist plant: Cannabis. Additionally you’ll learn about problematic common names of common houseplants, how gardening can be an act of social justice, and how you can practice plantiracism at home. All proceeds from this class are donated to Ibram X Kendi’s Center for Antiracist Research. To learn more on this topic and related subject matter, consider the full House Plants 101 Lecture Series available in July.

August 12, 2023: Concentrates Mini 101 

A taste of everything you ever wanted to know about cannabis concentrates! Learn it all from how to spot quality concentrates, to different extraction methods, to therapeutic usage. Plus, learn how concentrated cannabis holds the extraordinary power of both curative and palliative medicine. Additionally, we’lll discuss all the ways to consume concentrates and their effects. And yes, you will learn how to dab in this class. Learn more in the Concentrates 101 Lecture Series released in April.

September 16, 20203: Cannabis & Cancer

If you’ve heard of RSO, then you probably already know that sometimes cannabis can completely cure cancer. Learn about both the palliative and curative properties of cannabis for treating cancer. Whether you’re interested in learning about how to use cannabis to ease chemo symptoms or to try to avoid chemo altogether, this class has it all for you. Learn more in depth about cannabis and cancer in the Plant Medicine 101 Lecture Series released in March or The EndoCannabiniod System 101 Lecture Series available in September.

October 14, 2023: Cannabis Mini 101

Everything you ever wanted to know about cannabis! This class starts with the plant, the history of cannabis, what it is and how to identify good flowers, as well as the human endocannabinoid system. Plus methods of consumption, and how to use cannabis medicinally, therapeutically, spiritually, and creatively. We will explore common myths about cannabis and come to a deeper understanding of this powerful plant. Follow up this course with the full Cannabis 101 Lecture Series released in May. This course is great for anyone who wants to learn more about cannabis, especially professionals working in the cannabis industry.

November 18, 2023: Plant Based Desserts

The best part of celebrating holidays is all the wonderful food! And the best part of a meal is dessert!! Join me to learn how to make shockingly delicious plant based desserts that nobody will ever guess are plant based. Learn to make rich and decadent cream pies, irresistible cookies, gourmet tasting chocolates, and more. This class is great for anyone who wants to find a way to enjoy gentler or allergen friendly desserts without compromising taste! Learn more by taking the Whole Foods Plant Based 101 Lecture Series available here.

December 9, 2023: Entheogenic Plants Mini 101

Have you ever been curious about entheogenic plants? Entheogens are psychedelic plants that invite mysticism, healing, expanded consciousness, and heightened perspectives. Learn how to prepare, dose, and use multiple entheogenic plants for multiple purposes: from microdosing to existentially profound experiences. Learn about cannabis, psilocybin, mescaline, cacao, and more. Learn more about Entheogenic Plants 101 full six part Lecture Series released in June.

January 2024: Cannabis as Curative Medicine 

Learn all about the potent curative effects of cannabis. If you’ve ever had questions about how to actually use cannabis in curative doses, this class is for you. Unlock the truly miraculous healing powers of this plant through the practical and applicable knowledge gained in this class. To learn even more on this topic consider the Plant Medicine 101 or The EndoCannabinoid System 101 to further explore the curative powers of cannabis.

February 2024: Houseplants Mini 101

Learn all about houseplants! From what it takes to grow plants indoors to how to style them in your space. Find out which houseplants will thrive in your environment and which belong in a greenhouse. Learn about how to avoid and treat pests as well as how to identify and solve common plant problems like yellowing leaves, root rot, and etiolation. This course will prepare you to grow and care for the indoor garden or jungle of your dreams! Expand your houseplant expertise by taking the full Houseplants 101 Lecture Series released in July 2023.

March 2024: DIY Cannabis Suppositories

Using suppositories is the unsung hero of cannabis consumption methods. Learn to make your own at home with a few simple plant based ingredients. Learn how to create your ideal dose and how to use them for maximum efficacy. Learn how to formulate for both pleasure inducing and pain relief. Consider Cannabis 101 or Plant Medicine 101 to learn more about DIY plant medicine.

April 2024: Grow Your Own Medicine Mini 101

Learn all about how to grow cannabis and other herbs in your kitchen, grow room, balcony, or back yard. Learn how to use container gardening and beds to simplify the process and make growing accessible to everyone in all sorts of living situations. Find out how growing herbs (including cannabis) can empower you to make effective and simple medicinal plant remedies for yourself and those you care about. In this course we will cover growing strategies as well as simple DIY tea, tincture, and topical making methodology. Learn more from the full Grow Your Own Medicine 101 Lecture Series released in August 2023.

May 2024: Plant Based Munchies & Snacks

We all love a great snack! One that is satisfying in all the delicious ways: salty, crunchy, sweet, and just filling enough. Plant based snacks make ideal snacks! Learn to combine plants to make delicious and indulgent snacks guaranteed to satisfy most any palate! For more plant based guidance consider the Whole Food Plant Based Eating 101 Lecture Series available here.

June 2024: The Endocannabinoid System Mini 101 

Learn about your body’s universal regulatory system, the human EndoCannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS was discovered just thirty years ago, so learning about it is still at the leading edge of medical practice. Learn how using phyto-cannabinoids can supplement your own endogenous THC molecule: anandamide. As you understand the role of the ECS in homeostasis, it’s panacea of effects will seem a lot less miraculous and more realistic and you will find how to use phyto-cannabinoids for optimum therapeutic effects. Learn more about the ECS in the full EndoCannabinoid System 101 course released in September 2023.

2023 Lecture Series Release Schedule

The 101 Lecture Series at The MBPA are all curated with collegiate quality course content designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of the topic explored. All lecture series will be released in their entirety no later than the 20th of the month noted. Each monthly course leads to a proposed 6 Week Lecture Series consisting of six hour long lectures deeply investigating each topic. Lecture series are pre-recorded content which allows you to move at your own pace, although six weeks is recommended for comprehension and retention.
Enrollment in one of the six part lecture series listed below is $184, this includes permanent access to all six lectures and accompanying handouts and exercises. There will be accompanying costs for books and supplies for the courses listed below.

JANUARY: Whole Food Plant Based Eating 101

This course explores the world of why whole food plant based eating: health and environmental impact, menu planning and plant based meals with and w/o cooking, plant based holiday dinners, packing plant based lunches to go, Creating cannabis infused pantry staples - edible dosing on demand, plant based desserts

FEBRUARY: Edibles 101

DIY cannabis extracts alcohol based, DIY cannabis extracts fat based, cannabis and flavor combining, cannabis for baking, cannabis for cooking, cooking with cannabis concentrates

MARCH: Plant Medicine 101

cannabis home remedies for aches, pains, illness, and ailments, cannabis to support treatment of chronic disease, herbal home remedies to exponentiate cannabis, cannabis and chinese medicine, cannabis and mental health, regulating your endocannabinoid system, eating cannabis, plant based diet, cannabis topicals, instant pain relief through smoking/vaping, cannabis suppositories, other herbal pain relief modalities: ayurveda, chinese herbal pharmacies, homeopathy    

APRIL: Concentrates 101

how to use cannabis to boost efficacy of chemo (not just to keep you from puking, top promote weight gain, etc), how to make RSO, suppositories, and topicals that cure, alternative to chemo: consuming 1g/day for curative effects and still functioning, patient profiles and case studies: skin cancer and more, why cannabis is holy grail of cancer research and nobody cares, why cannabis alone isn’t enough (plant based diet, mental health, lifestyle, and more)

MAY: Cannabis 101

This class starts with the plant, the history of cannabis, what it is and how to identify good flowers, as well as the human endocannabinoid system. Plus methods of consumption, and how to use cannabis medicinally, therapeutically, spiritually, and creatively. We will explore common myths about cannabis and come to a deeper understanding of this powerful plant.

JUNE: Entheogenic Plants 101

cannabis and depression/cannabis as a stimulant, cannabis and anxiety/cannabis as a relaxant, methods of ingestion for mental health, CBD and mental health, cannabis dependency and mental health, using cannabis for self exploration/self healing/entheogenically

JULY: House Plants 101

Learn what it takes to grow plants indoors to how to style them in your space. Find out which houseplants will thrive in your environment and which belong in a greenhouse. Learn about how to avoid and treat pests as well as how to identify and solve common plant problems like yellowing leaves, root rot, and etiolation.

AUGUST: Grow Your Own Medicine 101

how to grow cannabis outdoors for personal use, how to grow and use companion medicinal herbs, how to grow indoor herbs vs outdoor gardens, how to make and use herbal tinctures and teas, get a green thumb, nobody is born with it, houseplants and mental health

SEPTEMBER: The EndoCannabinoid System 101

Learn about your body’s universal regulatory system, the human EndoCannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS was discovered just thirty years ago, so learning about it is still at the leading edge of medical practice. Learn how using phyto-cannabinoids can supplement your own endogenous THC molecule: anandamide. As you understand the role of the ECS in homeostasis, it’s panacea of effects will seem a lot less miraculous and more realistic and you will find how to use phyto-cannabinoids for optimum therapeutic effects.

Live a More Plant Based Life

Join us at Plant School and learn how plants can help you live your best life, too. Enroll today!