Cannabis for Pain Management

Did you know that you can get narcotic level pain relief from cannabis? It’s true! While smoking a joint won’t give you this level of pain relief, other cannabis products definitely can. Cannabis products like edibles, tinctures, concentrates, and suppositories are all proven to deliver potent pain relief. There are tens of thousands of success stories from patients who have replaced their pharmacetical pain relievers with the cannabis plant. Using a plant over pills helps patients prevent damage to their kidneys and liver, significantly reduces their budget, and gives them the pain relief they needed to function without the dozens of horrible side effects of narcotics. Not to mention avoiding the risk of drug addiction.

Plus, it’s not just about physical pain. You can also treat emotional pain with cannabis. Studies show that cannabis can be highly therapeutic for mental health. Patients are finding results with cannabis for all kinds of mental health challenges from depression and anxiety to ADHD and BPD.

Prohibition has us all conditioned to believe that cannabis is alternative medicine and that using it in these ways is new, but it’s not. Cannabis is traditional medicine and has been used by cultures all over the world as a pain reliever for millennia. Modern prohibition has been around for less than a hundred years and the end of prohibition will help integrate cannabis back into standard medicinal practice. This is a gift because having access to grow your own medicine can be empowering and life changing.

In our upcoming course “Cannabis for Pain Management” you will learn to use cannabis to treat both physical and emotional pain. Learn to treat muscle pain, joint pain, skin irritation, head aches, menstrual pain and more. Plus, learn to mindfully use cannabis to reduce emotional pain by supplementing your current mental health protocols. This course will help you choose which method of consumption is best for each type of pain, as well as how to access or DIY those cannabis products. Whether you’re new to using cannabis medicine or a daily stoner, there is so much to gain from learning more about how to use cannabis effectively for pain management.


Great Tasting Edibles